File Storage API

File storage is a rather different beast from structured metadata about a user's personal digital life:

  • They are too big to store

  • Sending them back and forth requires lots of bandwidth

  • Databases that are useful for storing structured data are not usually well-suited for storing files

  • Data in a file cannot normally be sliced and diced as structured metadata could

  • Files would often be uploaded from a low-bandwidth (e.g. mobile) device that is likely to have intermittent connectivity

These considerations further play with the requirements for file storage to be reliable, secure and cost-efficient especially if we want to make PDAs affordable. On top of that, we still want to be able to attach metadata to files, and maintain fine-granularity access control.

APIs are also rather different from web pages in terms of how file uploads tend to be or can be handled. Not going into a lot of detail here, but there are plenty of reasons why uploading using multipart forms mostly sucks as well as pretty good examples on how file uploads could be done, e.g. YouTube Resumable Uploads. As a building block to satisfy all the requirements, we picked AWS S3.

This guide details how a PDA handles file management in 4 key aspects:

  1. File upload

  2. Access management

  3. Content access

  4. File lookup/search

File Upload

File upload happens in three steps:

  1. Posting file metadata to the PDA and retrieving URL to send the file directly

  2. Directly uploading the file to the (securely signed) URL

  3. Marking the file complete at the PDA

Uploading metadata is simple: call POST /api/v2.6/files/upload with the file details:

   curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: ${PDA_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "name": "testFile.png",
            "source": "test",
            "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
            "title": "test Title",
            "description": "a very interesting test file",
        }' \

Only name and source properties are mandatory — all others are optional. You can also attach dateCreated and lastUpdated fields with Unix timestamps to set them accordingly. If everything is successful, the PDA will respond with a copy of the metadata as well as additional information:

  "fileId": "testtestfile-12.png",
  "name": "testFile.png",
  "source": "test",
  "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
  "title": "test Title",
  "description": "a very interesting test file",
  "dateCreated": 1487871142325,
  "lastUpdated": 1487871142329,
  "status": {
    "status": "New"
  "contentUrl": "${PDA_ADDRESS}/testtestfile-12.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJSOXH3FJPB43SWGQ&Expires=1487871442&Signature=CTRdDW8nKBqNcuwK0ssH77zjkec%3D",
  "contentPublic": false,
  "permissions": [
      "userId": "694dd8ed-56ae-4910-abf1-6ec4887b4c42",
      "contentReadable": true

Importantly, it includes the unique file identifier for the PDA fileId and contentUrl indicating where the file should be uploaded. The upload contentUrl is signed and has limited duration validity, most likely 5 minutes, after which it becomes invalid. Then uploading itself could be done as (note: x-amz-server-side-encryption header is mandatory):

curl -v -T ${LOCAL_FILE} \
  -H "x-amz-server-side-encryption: AES256"\

Finally, to mark the file "Completed", call PUT /api/v2.6/files/file/:fileId/complete. It will again respond with file metadata:

  "fileId": "postmantestfile-12.png",
  "name": "testFile.png",
  "source": "postman",
  "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
  "title": "test Title",
  "description": "a very interesting test file",
  "dateCreated": 1487871142325,
  "lastUpdated": 1487871142329,
  "status": {
    "size": 154639,
    "status": "Completed"
  "contentPublic": false,
  "permissions": [
      "userId": "694dd8ed-56ae-4910-abf1-6ec4887b4c42",
      "contentReadable": true

File status has now been marked as Completed and contains file size in bytes! The request will fail if the file doesn't exist, hasn't been fully uploaded or you do not have permissions to mark the file completed (you will if you started the upload in the first place).

Finally, files can be deleted (by owner only!) by calling DELETE /api/v2.6/files/file/:fileId

Access Management

The PDA owner can access all files, but otherwise there are 3 options for file access:

  • Another PDA user can be marked to have access to the file's metadata

  • Another PDA user can be marked to have access to both the file's metadata and contents

  • A file can be marked to have its contents publicly accessible (e.g. publishing photos or your book!)

By default, the user who saved the file onto the PDA is allowed to see the file's metadata and contents, but only the owner can adjust file permissions by:

  • calling GET /api/v2.6/files/allowAccess/:fileId/:userId to allow a specific user (:userId) to access a specific file (:fileId), optionally setting content query parameter to true/false to control content access (false by default). Conversely, calling GET /api/v2.6/files/restrictAccess/:fileId/:userId to restrict access.

  • calling POST /api/v2.6/files/allowAccess/:userId sending file template to grant access to a set of files (same syntax as for file search!). Conversely, calling POST /api/v2.6/files/restrictAccess/:userId to restrict access.

  • calling GET /api/v2.6/files/allowAccessPublic/:fileId and GET /api/v2.6/files/restrictAccessPublic/:fileId to control public file access.

Content Access

  • GET api/v2.6/files/file/:fileId to list metadata of a file, including contentUrl pointing to a pre-signed temporary URL for file contents if the user is permitted file access

  • GET /api/v2.6/files/content/:fileId to get contents of a file, if file is marked publicly accessible or the client is permitted to access the file. The endpoint redirects to the pre-signed temporary content URL or returns 404 error code (Not Found) if the file does not exist or is not accessible.

PDA files can be looked up by any part of metadata attached to them:

  • fileId for an exact match, where one or no files are returned

  • name for an exact match on the original name, but multiple files could potentially be returned. Empty string if you do not want to match against name

  • source matching all files from a specific source such as facebook. Empty string if you do not want to match against source

  • tags a set of all tags matching files that need to be attached

  • title and description for an approximate, text-based search matching the fields

  • status to filter e.g. only files that are marked Completed

To search for files call POST /api/v2.6/files/search sending file template to match against. All calls must be authenticated with the user's token and only files the user is allowed to access are returned:

    curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: ${PDA_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "name": "testFile.png",
            "source": "test",
            "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
            "title": "test Title",
            "description": "a very interesting test file",
            "status": { "status": "Completed", "size": 0}
        }' \

Last updated

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